Relationship Advice For Men

As a couple’s counselor, I worked with struggling couples fighting to overcome emotional difficulties. Issues like fidelity, trust, communication, and conflict paint the floor to counseling.

One of my favorite relationship books is the 5 Love Languages. It focuses on helping partners learn how to love each other and him/herself. It’s a book that supported my relationship and that I use to help couple’s I work with in counseling. The 5 Love Languages provided me with the spark to write 100 Ways Married Men Can Remain Emotionally Connected.

This is a book for men in relationships. The book helps men understand their partner, gain perspective on ways to show love, kindness and compassion.

Below are a few core factors from the book:

Commit to Date Night

Make sure that the relationship has plenty of dates. Date nights should be a built habit. Emotional connections are created by experiences that forge two people together. Find new activities or places to go through the act of dates. It doesn’t always have to be a romantic date or the typical dinner and movie. It could be something as simple as just the two of you putting an hour aside volunteering.

Give each other time to rest.

Men need time to be men. This may mean that you need to spend a few hours playing video games, reading or engaging in sports. You need this time to recollect and find balance within your life. In return, when you feel balanced so will your relationship. Educate your partner about what activities you enjoy and how taking time to rest supports your well being and that of the relationship.

Spend quality time

Quality time means that you are invested in your partner and not the television or your cellphone. Create quality time rules that should apply when you are on a date or spending time with your partner:

–  No cellphones.

–  No tablets.

–  No technological devices.

–  No work-related content.

Juan Santos is a professional counselor, husband, father of two, and published author of 100 Ways to Remain Emotionally Connected, Couple’s Workbook: Making Your Relationship Work, and  Life Without Stress.

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